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How do I do a find and replace in Word on my Mac

Problem: I'm using a new Mac. I'm using Word. I want to do a find and replace.

Solution: There are two ways. 

1) Click Shift - Command Key - R; or

2) Follow the directions below

1. Click on the magnifying glass

2. Choose "Replace..."

3. Your find and replace options will be on the left side

Rant: Are they kidding? Why did the make it so hard to do a find and replace? I went everywhere, to the edit tabs, through all the stupid funky new tabs, and couldn't find it. Because it's not labeled with words. It's labeled with a damn picture of a magnifying glass. What the hell is that? You know what the problem with Apple is? It assumed it's users are retarded. Guess what, I can actually read. I look for things using words. Damn. It took me so long to find out how to do a "find and replace" on my new Mac using the new version of Word. It should have been the easiest thing in the world. I hope this saves you some frustration. 

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